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How early should I register my child?As early as possible.
What are the Schools intake years?The main intake years are Early Learning, Upper Primary and Year 7.
At what year can my child start at John Wollaston?Enrolments begin at three years of age for our Pre-Kindergarten program, Little Wollies.
What are the fees?For a breakdown of the tuition fee structure click here.
How do you allocate places and when does it start?The School has an admissions policy in terms of preferencing applications but offers may ultimately be made on a first come first served basis. Enrolment interviews commence 18-24 months ahead of commencement in Secondary, 12 months in Primary and approximately 6 months in Pre-Kindergarten.
How do I enrol my child at John Wollaston?As a first step complete and submit the Application for Admission Form along with associated documents as outlined on the form.
Do I have to complete a separate Enrolment Application Form for each child?Yes.
Does my child have to sit an exam to secure a place at John Wollaston?No.
If, after our inital application, we change our preferred year of entry will we go to the bottom of the waiting list?"No.
How many students are in the School?We have in excess of 1200 students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12.
Can I come and look around the School?Tours can be arranged by contacting the Registrar or by attending one of our School Tours.
What are the class sizes?Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten - maximum of 20 students. Pre-Primary (with an Education Assistant) - maximum of 30 students. Year 1 upwards - maximum of 32 students. (Fewer in secondary practical and specialist classes)
Does John Wollaston offer scholarships?Academic scholarships are offered in Year 5, Year 7 and Year 10. Testing takes place in the year prior to commencement.
Do I have to purchase a laptop?Laptops are provided by the School for which parents pay a quarterly IT levy.
Are there school buses for students at John Wollaston?With many John Wollaston families residing throughout the South East Outer Metropolitan corridor, there is a comprehensive bus service for our students. Please refer to the website to see the current bus routes.
Are there any after school programs?Students from Pre-Primary to Year 9 are expected to participate in the Clubs Program. Tutorials are held after School in Secondary School.
Do you offer any other programs for students that want to go to TAFE?Students may opt for a Vocational pathway and undertake Certificate courses whilst also completing the WACE.
We are not Anglican, can my child still attend the School?"Children do not need to be Anglican to attend the School.
What specialist staff work at John Wollaston?Students with special needs are supported by specialised teaching and support staff in the Learning Enrichment Centre. John Wollaston is also an outpost for Telethon Speech and Hearing.
Are there any places available at the School now?There is limited availability in some years. Contact the Registrar, for further information.
How often do you have School Tours?We host at least one School Tour per term and you can also register for one of our weekly tours during some terms.
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